Why has my honey crystallised?
If the honey in your cupboard has started to feel a little grainy, is becoming more solid and lighter in colour it sounds like its starting to crystallise. This is a natural process that occurs in raw honey, which is how you can tell it's the real deal. Over time, in colder temperatures or with certain types of blossom, small crystals start to form around tiny grains of pollen. It truly is proof you are eating pure, unadulterated honey. Crystallisation is a badge of honor! it means you have chosen the real thing.
How do you fix crystallised honey?
Firstly, it’s totally okay to eat crystallised honey! But if you do prefer your honey runny, simply leave on a sunny windowsill or heat a pot of water and place your jar inside to warm. It’s smooth, pouring consistency will return.
With loads of adulterated honey imported into supermarkets with questionable countries of origin and practices, it can be hard to know what you are really eating.
What actually is raw honey?
Our honey is raw, naturally harvested and isn't processed. What does this mean?
Raw honey isn't heated, homogenised or overly filtered. Many of the beneficial nutrients of raw honey are destroyed in this process. Raw honey is taken straight from the hive, and undergoes no pasteurisation or heat processing before it is poured into jars. It may be lightly filtered right before bottling or left unfiltered—but either way there are never any extra ingredients added.
By treating the honey this way, we maintain its full nutritional integrity and health benefits—including high levels of antioxidants, amino acids and glucose oxidase (an enzyme which gives honey its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties). You can only get these benefits from raw honey, as they are destroyed through manufacturing methods such as chemical or heat processing.
Raw honey is different to “pure honey”—a term that simply means there’s no other ingredients added. However, pure honey may still be processed and its beneficial properties destroyed.
Honey is so much more than just a sweetener.
Raw honey contains an array of antioxidant compounds and phytochemicals, and is a source of amino acids, enzymes and an abundance of beneficial compounds. It may also have pollen and propolis. All of which combine to create the extraordinary health benefits of raw honey
Find your local beekeeper, support their hard work and enjoy the magic that is Australian honey.
You can shop our range of raw unprocessed honey here.